Has my child been permanently excluded?

No! Students referred to us on an Intervention Placement are all returning to school. Schools use our service to support young people that are struggling in their mainstream environment as we have the focus and expertise to really help them make the changes they need in order to succeed when they return to school after 5 weeks.

How long will my child be with you?

Referrals will always be agreed with parents/carers and the school and can last anywhere from 1 day to 6 weeks.  Occasionally this can be more flexible if this is in the best interests of the child.

Can I come and visit?

Yes! You are welcome to come and visit us at any time - just get in touch via the number or email address below, or through your school.

Are you a Pupil Referral Unit?

No! None of the students with us have been permanently excluded from school. Our Centre offers intervention to support students and help them stay in school. We are not a Pupil Referral Unit.

What's the behaviour like?

Behaviour at Golborne is exceptionally good. Students are calm, polite and focussed and we operate a very clear behaviour system in order to ensure the best success for all student.

What will my child learn there?

Students here study a mixture of academic subjects that they would study in school and an intensive PSHE curriculum aimed at helping them overcome their obstacles to success. Check out our Curriculum section for more information.

Why has my child been sent to you?

This will have been discussed with you by your child's Head of Year or Senior Leadership Team. Students are generally referred to us because the school have concerns about their ongoing behaviour and chances of achieving the best outcomes in their school. They often don't have the time to really focus on the issues in the way we can, so refer to us to help your child achieve their full potential back at school.

The Golborne Education Centre, Rugby Portobello Trust, 221 Walmer Road, W11 4EY
pfellows@tbap.org.uk; 07872 612694; Twitter: @CSSGolborne
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